Warp & Weft

One of the limitations of existing approaches to ethics is that the process itself leaves very little for negotiation in terms of what participants need to enable them to feel comfortable and to have a sense of agency within the process. If we are to move from a position of researching on people, to research with people, we need to develop methods to allow individuals to have a voice in the development of ethics protocols.

You may choose and develop statements relating to what your participants, team member and stakeholders would and would not like to happen during the research process.

Warp & Weft
prompts & activities

Using the warp & weft strips of paper, encourage research participants, team members and critical friends to write their statements surrounding what they would and would not like to happen during the research process.

Blue strips = I would like...
Red strips = I would not like...

These statements can be woven together like the warp and weft when creating a tapestry. This can be added to throughout the project and shared with everyone in the team.

prompts & activities

During this exercise you will discuss activities that you can and cannot do within this project which relates to your values. Make a note of them on the capture sheet and refer to them during team meating - add to them, change them!

We Can / We Cannot

As you are facilitating the activities, it’s important that another team member is in charge of capturing the discussions and decisions. We would suggest capturing the statements on the worksheet as well as on the paper strips. We’ve enclosed a Warp and Weft worksheet for this purpose.

We suggest that you revisit and adjust your captured notes at every key team meeting to remind and realign the team. You can also re-run the activities to establish changes as a project progresses.

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